Happiness is not the real purpose of life

Every day, good and bad things will happen.

Happiness is not the real purpose of life
Photo by Edu Lauton / Unsplash

When you feel that everything you have been working hard for is being taken away from you. When you feel that your whole world seems to be crumbling. That’s precisely when you should learn to be kind.

Kind to others. But also kinder to yourself.

Because sometimes we forget that we're only human. We blame ourselves for things that are beyond control.

Getting diagnosed with monomorphic epitheliotropic intestinal T-cell lymphoma (MEITL) on July 17, 2023 was very devastating. My life literally changed in a single day. MEITL also made me a mutant lah 😄

Instead of focusing on what I couldn't control, however, my wife and I agreed that we would spend the time I have wisely.

That's why I have vowed not just to go on living with cancer, but also living life with cancer to the fullest.

The real purpose of life is not happiness. Happiness is fleeting if by this we mean joyful moments and pleasant feelings. Every day, good and bad things will happen, and our mood will change depending on what we experience.

The true purpose of life is to create meaning.

Something that makes your life worth living and keeps you centered no matter what happens along the way. It’s the meaning that you create for yourself, but, even more importantly, that motivates you to help others and create real value for people.

Cancer has made me more mindful of my time and energy. My priority of course is to become a better husband and father. I also want to enjoy a good of quality and use my skills to support the causes and companies I believe in.

So, in a funny way, I'm happier. Not happy because of cancer, but because dealing with cancer with a positive mindset has given my life new meaning.

Cancer can do whatever it will. It won't stop me from living life to the fullest.

Whatever happens, I will have the moral victory.