Embracing the analog world in the age of digital

Gen Z is also the generation discovering the analog world.

Embracing the analog world in the age of digital
Photo by Natalie Cardona / Unsplash

Generation Z is the social generation. The one that has been most connected to the internet and mobile technology from the very start.

"They’re the first generation of 'digital natives', never knowing a world without the internet. This, coupled with the fact they had a worldwide pandemic and a cost of living crisis to contend with during their formative years, has profoundly impacted their personality and values, making them a fascinating audience to get to grips with."

If you read the news, you will also find that Gen Z is worried that it's "aging like milk", believes that the main factor to happiness is having a sense of purpose in school or at work, and cares about mental health and work-life balance.

Interestingly enough, Gen Z is also proving to be the generation that is discovering the analog world.

The analog world delights because of its sheer inefficiency. Instead of cookie-cutter experiences, Gen Z is taking pleasure in the human touch while enjoying the benefits of technology.

"A byproduct of a smartphone camera is thousands of unused photos taking up space. With a disposable camera, however, you have about 27 opportunities to get the pictures you want. There’s an element of suspense that is absent in a digital camera roll. The snaps are usually blurry, a bit dim and delightfully retro. The process of dropping off film, waiting for the photos to be developed and flipping through the copies is a practice of delayed but exciting gratification." 

Conversely, it's wrong to think that only Gen Z and other young users prioritize social media. All generations expect more interactions with brands on social media.

"Gen X trust is hard to earn, but it’s also hard to lose. Research shows that Gen X are some of the most loyal consumers, often willing to pay a premium for products from brands they trust.

"Brands hoping to earn that trust through social media can mimic many of the same strategies they use to target Millennials. The two generational cohorts have the same top four priorities when it comes to what makes a brand memorable on social media. That said, Gen Xers are more likely to appreciate brands that take content risks.

"This preference may stem from the fact that Gen X is less accustomed to seeing themselves in conventional marketing campaigns, making innovative content approaches more noticeable and appreciated. Brands that break away from the norm and inject creativity into their social media strategies stand to capture the attention from Gen X audiences."

So, are you ready to embrace more analog devices and live the ordinary life?

The future is here. And it just might be retro.