About the Site

About the Site
Photo by Shad Meeg / Unsplash

Welcome to A Life More Ordinary!

I'm Joey Alarilla, and this is my creative space for sharing my interests, ideas, and insights.

A Life More Ordinary is published from Monday to Friday before 10 PM GMT +8. Subscribe for free to receive new content via email. Only subscribers can post comments.

The idea behind A Life More Ordinary is a simple one. Like many things in life that are simple and true, however, it took a lot of hard lessons and repeated reminders over the years to accept.

I had to grow a lot older, maybe somewhat wiser, to finally understand.

In fact, it was only after I started this cancer journey, when I was diagnosed on 17 July 2023, that I can honestly say I’ve learned the lessons life has been teaching me.

Living with cancer has changed my life dramatically overnight. Post-cancer me is as different from pre-cancer Joey as the post-pandemic world is from the pre-pandemic one. And yet we moved on. Life goes on.

In a way, everything I have experienced in life, good or bad, has prepared me for my new normal.

What’s the simple idea that inspired me to launch this blog?

An ordinary life is better and more meaningful than the extraordinary one we think we should have.

How many of us have found ourselves endlessly pursuing this imagined perfect life?

Only to realise we have wasted so much time and energy instead of living in the moment, enjoying simple joys, being with the people we love, and doing what really matters to us and gives our life meaning.

Since I have a lot of interests (I’m a bookworm, after all) that spark joy in me, I will cover a wide range of topics.

This will include family, mindfulness, mental health, spirituality, philosophy, history, technology, science, gaming, pop culture, music, art, books, comic books, animation, manga, anime, travel, pro wrestling, MMA, and so on.

And, of course, food, glorious food!

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